St. Therese Ministries

Catholic Ministries
at St. Therese

Serving in a Catholic Ministry is fundamentally based on the teachings and principles found in the Bible, with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone. The foundation of ministry lies in a deep understanding and commitment to God's word and the desire to live out Christ's example through service to others. The Catholic Faith calls on its people to steward their time, talent, and treasure to support the Catholic Church and its community.


The St. Therese Little Flower offers many ministries in which to participate. These include Hospitality, Lector, Praise Dance, Eucharistic Ministers, Youth Group, Environment, Emergency Assistance & Food Pantry, Senior Center, Parish Nurse, Bereavement, Community Garden, and Christmas Baskets. For more information, please contact us at (816) 444-5406 or by clicking the button below.

Mass attendees welcoming each other at St. Therese Little Flower Parish.
Mass attendees greeting each other at St Therese Little Flower Parish


Hospitality Ministers see themselves as servants of the faith community. They bring the welcome of Christ to the moment and reach out to “the Christ” in the other. They meet, greet, and assist others to feel welcome and at home at worship. They put people at ease and help them as needed.

This ministry enhances our welcoming environment by reaching out to visitors and parishioners as they enter the church. The hospitality ministers also serve as ushers at key times during the liturgy, including the distribution of worship aids and bulletins and the facilitation of the offertory and Communion. Back to top.

A St. Therese Little Flower Parish Lector delivering a reading at Sunday Mass.


When we gather to celebrate Mass, God is present in our Church community, our priest, the scriptures, and the form of the consecrated bread and wine. The first part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word, focuses on the Scriptures. The Lector is the minister who brings these to life for all to hear.

Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord. They devote time and preparation to understanding the Word of God so that all may hear and be open to God transforming their lives. Back to top.

A Liturgical Praise Dance performed at a church.

Praise Dance

The St. Therese Little Flower Praise Dance Ministry is committed to bringing praise, prayer, and worship to the liturgy using the gifts of dance and sacred movement. This group includes youth and adults who mentor children in the ministry to offer development for the future. Back to top.

Christ on the cross at St. Therese Little Flower Parish.


Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (Eucharistic Ministers) are entrusted with the unique responsibility of helping the priest distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Members of our parish embrace this ministry with the importance that it deserves.

They receive special training from the diocese and our parish. Some also share this ministry with those who are homebound or temporarily unable to attend Mass. Back to top.

Youth Ministry participants at St. Therese Little Flower Parish in Kansas City, Missouri

Youth Group

The St. Therese Little Flower Youth Group brings young people together for social, educational, and service activities. Every child (through high school senior) who has made their First Communion can participate.

Youth are encouraged to participate in parish volunteer opportunities and prepare to take active ministry roles within the community. Youth Group leaders challenge young people to step out of their comfort zones and solidify their place in the community. Back to top.

The altar at the St. Therese Little Flower Parish.


Members of the Environment Ministry use artistic, creative, and ethnic influences to develop a liturgical environment representing our deep love for the Eucharist and the diverse composition of the community. The Environment Ministry prepares the church for worship by decorating it for liturgical seasons and feasts.

This work includes flowers, plants, art, and other church decorations. It creates a prayerful environment that draws the community into a deeper awareness of God and our call to worship. Back to top.

Loving hands shaped together as a heart image.
A St. Therese Little Flower Food Pantry volunteer delivering groceries to a family in need.

Emergency Assistance & Food Pantry Programs

The Emergency Assistance Program provides emergency assistance to neighborhood residents by helping them pay their natural gas, water, or electric bills through parishioner donations, donations from other churches, other “Friends of St. Therese” ministries, and Mid-America Assistance Coalition (MAAC) grants.

Volunteers assist in preparing groceries for those who call for assistance, serving over one hundred families monthly. The Food Pantry receives food from Harvesters (a Kansas City food bank), community donations, and parish food purchases. It is open Monday through Friday by appointment. Back to top.

Community seniors enjoying a special event at the St. Therese Little Flower Parish Senior Center.

Senior Center

The Senior Center offers vital support to our community of older adults who need nutrition, daily refuge, and a support system. Seniors receive breakfast, lunch, snacks, and other grocery items to use at home, especially on the weekend.


In addition to receiving social support from other seniors, they can participate in basic health screenings, exercise, and information about important issues affecting them. The center also hosts special events and outings that expose them to social and cultural experiences. Back to top.

A stephoscope

Parish Nurse

Sister Helen Alder, the parish nurse at St. Therese Little Flower, visits the homebound, sick, and those in care facilities and hospitals. In addition to providing spiritual support, Sister Helen checks blood pressure and advocates for her patients regarding medications, rehabilitation facilities, and insurance issues.

She also accompanies individuals with doctor’s appointments and assists with shopping as needed. Back to top.

A holy cross scene.


When a loved one dies, parishioners need the support of their parish community. Parishioners are notified by email and phone so everyone can comfort and pray for their family and loved ones. Caring parish volunteers help people through this tough time by providing a home-cooked meal for family and guests after the funeral.


Funeral planning is guided and supported by the Director of Liturgy and Music. Please contact the office at (816) 444-5406 to notify us of the death of a loved one and if you need assistance with funeral arrangements. Back to top.

The St. Therese Little Flower Parish Garden.

Community Garden

The St. Therese Community Garden Ministry began in 2009, thanks to a grant from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. For many years, parish and community volunteers have maintained a bountiful garden that provides food to many. 

Some gardeners donate a portion of their produce to the Food Pantry. The Garden Ministry also hosts a monthly potluck supper with dishes made from their produce. Back to top.

St. Therese Little Flower Christmas Baskets ready for delivery to our families in need.
A community and parish volunteer work together to prepare donation bags for the annual Christmas Baskets program at St. Therese Little Flower Parish.

Christmas Basket

The St Therese Christmas Basket Program has provided a more joyous holiday for needy neighborhood families and individuals for nearly 30 years. Using donations and parish funds, the program provides food, paper goods, laundry, and personal hygiene items purchased at a discounted rate through the generosity of our friends at Hy-Vee. Gifts are purchased or donated and are partially supported through fundraisers at St. Therese and other churches.

Parish volunteers work throughout the year to prepare for this event, which leads to some busy weeks preparing for grocery and produce delivery, gift packaging, and more. The Christmas Basket distribution is truly one of the highlights of the parish year. An average of 250 families and individuals have been served during the annual program in recent years.
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