Becoming Catholic

Becoming Catholic
is an incredible gift

Becoming Catholic is one of life’s most profound and joyous experiences. The St. Therese family welcomes the opportunity to assist you in receiving this incredible gift and the enormous grace that is bestowed with it.


There is no person who cannot find their "fit" in the Catholic Church, and there is no person whom Jesus isn't calling to find Him more fully in the Catholic Church. Becoming Catholic is a momentous event!


To begin this blessed journey, please contact Estelle Tunley, Director of Liturgy and Music, at (816) 444-5406 or Learn more here.

How to become Catholic

Who can become Catholic?

Anyone can become Catholic, regardless of their age or previous faith. Some people are baptized as infants, while others become Catholic as adults.


A person baptized in the Catholic Church becomes a Catholic at that moment. One’s initiation is deepened by confirmation and the Eucharist, but one becomes a Catholic at baptism. This is true for children who are baptized Catholic (and receive the other two sacraments later) and for adults who are baptized, confirmed, and receive the Eucharist simultaneously.


Preparation is necessary before a person is ready to be received into the Church, whether by baptism or by profession of faith. The amount and form of this preparation depends on the individual’s circumstances.


What is the process?

Becoming Catholic involves building a personal relationship with Jesus, investing in the Church community, receiving the knowledge of Christ and His Church, and going through several different 'rites' to become 'fully initiated.'


If you have already been baptized in another Christian denomination, you will receive your first Holy Communion and Confirmation at the end of your journey. If you have never been baptized, you will go through the same process, but you must first be received into the Church through baptism.


For adults and children who have reached the age of reason (age seven), you must participate in (OCIA), previously known as RCIA, which governs entrance into the Church. The OCIA process includes rites such as the Rite of Entrance to the Catechumenate, the Rite of Election, the Rite of Sending, the Scrutinies, and the Rite of Initiation. You will also learn about the Catholic Church's traditions, doctrine, and customs. Download the How to Become Catholic PDF.


Do I need a Sponsor?

Yes. A sponsor is a fully initiated Catholic who will walk with someone who is becoming Catholic. They will guide you, be your sounding board, and help you find answers to your questions. Ideally, your sponsor is someone you admire for their faith, hope, and love.


How long does it take?

The length of the OCIA process depends on your previous faith experience and the discernment process. It can take at least one liturgical year. After becoming Catholic, you can receive other sacraments, such as confirmation and the Eucharist.

Participate in a Ministry.

Enjoy the rewards of giving service to others.